Helpful Links

Explore our website’s helpful links designed to assist you and your family. We’ve curated resources that provide valuable information. We aim to make your journey as smooth and informed as possible, providing the support and resources necessary to make the best decisions for your loved ones.


National Family Caregivers Association

When Family Members are the Caregivers … you face many trials and tribulations during this time. Not only are you dealing with your loved one having many changes in their life, you too are now under extreme stress and pressure. As the caregiver, you need to make sure you allow time just for you to re-group and to be able to handle the tasks you are faced with. Make sure you hold on to the memories when Mom/Dad were well so that depression does not set in. YOU need to have control of your own emotions to handle the ones you are dealing with at the present time.


Keep Your Loved One Busy … Senior Citizens need to know that their life has not ended just because they are no longer out working or raising their family that once took up 90% of their life. They need to know that there are many activities for them NOW. One suggestion is to contact your local Churches to see if they are a Senior Center. These locations offer many activities for the elderly to get involved with and give them a reason to get up every day. Many hospitals offer discount luncheons for seniors to attend – which will give your loved one an opportunity to socialize and meet others. Remember there is always AARP for your loved one to get involved with. They also offer insurances at a very reasonable price for the elderly.

Allegheny County, PA

Financial Assistance is available to help you or your loved one remain living independently at home. To see if you qualify, call the Allegheny County Senior Line at (412) 350-5460 or visit them on the web.

The Alzheimer’s Association

The Mother/Father You Once Knew … is no longer themselves. Some elderly seem to drift into a life of which you are unaware. Their minds drift back to times that you were not a part of and have no knowledge or concept of what they are attempting to get across to you. This could possibly be the signs of Alzheimer’s setting in.

Catalog Choice

Stop All That Unwanted Mail … Are you tired of receiving so many catalogs and junk mail that only takes up space in your trash can? The following are two links that could be of assistance

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